#7 Trond's Intermezzo

If poetic middle sections seem to be not radical enough for you, perhaps you will like our intermezzo:


Compose a miniature, Duration 1-3 min, placed almost at the end of the masterpiece.

Deal with the following statements:

  • Down with the trumpet (sounds too off-european)


  • Only three tones per instrument per bar.


  • Fewer notes. More vibrato.


  • No special effects.


  • Writing either better music than Lachenmann or OTHER MUSIC than Lachenmann.


  • Today's music has to be PRECISE. Today's music needs CLEAR STATEMENTS! Every statement must have a consequence.


  • Program: At the beginning: Depression, problems. At the end: New hope.


  • You need one (or several) idea(s). Search in the inner self. Or go to psychoanalysis or hypnosis. Sink into deep. You need to take more risks. You have to be ashamed of your work. Make inquiries in China. Think about capitalism. It's everywhere now. Avoid all in the internet.


  • Music has to be true. Search for the truth.


Full of ideas? Directly to the contest >>>


Not the right one? There are 10 more contests... >>>

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#6 Poetic middle vision

If you like widespread poetic soundscapes, this ought to be of interest:


Create a poetic middle section of 2-5 minutes. Be aware of this section being separated from the bruitistic soundscape by a longer intersection.

Use retraction and speaking silence for discovering music and yourself completely new and in other horizons. Give room for the sounds unfolding and encourage yourself to imagine sound and no-sound beyond every metier.

Do not evoke the visionary, let it "occur and simply take place". (Martin Zenck)


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Full of poetic ideas? Straight to the contest >>>


Not the right one? There are 10 other contests that might suit better >>>

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#5 One Tone

This is one of my personal favourites: Sounds easy to do, but is it really?

Write a tone (a sound, a situation...) of 8 s maximum where "the pathos of Europe ... is caught and focused ... and shows a face" (Manos Tsangaris)

Make a suggestion where your tone/situation might be located in the whole piece.


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Got your idea? Straight to the contest >>>


Not the right one for you? There are 10 more... >>>

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#4 Long Intersection

For those who like intersections, this might be their favourite task - up to 2 Minutes to fill!

Write an intersection of 1-2 Minutes that is located between the bruitistic soundscape and the poetic middle section.


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Got your idea? Straight to the contest >>>


Not the right one? There are 10 more... >>>

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#3 Bruitism Different

If you like to have more time for your ideas, but this time should be filled as well, you might like our third contest:

Compose an elaborated and differentiated as well as bruitistic texture of 1-3 Minutes. Deal with the beginning comprising stationary tones and changing tone colours. Be aware of the - after a longer intersection - following poetic middle section.


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Already full of ideas for that challenge? Go ahead! >>>

Full of ideas but this contest is not the right one?

There are 10 more... >>>

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#2 First Intersection

If you don't have much time to compose, and even the 25s-beginning seems too long, perhaps this 10-second-challenge will suit you:


Create an intersection of 10 s maximum, that follows the stationary tone texture of the beginning and leads to the subsequent bruitistic soundscape.


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Already full of ideas for that challenge? Go ahead! >>>

Full of ideas but this contest is not the right one?

There are 10 more... >>>

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#1 Beginning

The first contest is for an opening sequence, duration only several seconds:

Write an opening sequence of exactly 25 s, comprising unusual and inspired stationary tones as well as changing tone colours.

Deal with the fact that the first version of masterpiece management focused the tone b1.


Compose new music which is New Music that does not sound like New Music but goes visionary beyond.


Already full of ideas for that challenge? Go ahead! >>>

Full of ideas but this contest is not the right one?

There are 10 more... >>>

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Getting Started

...with some delay (ahem...) - even the blog gets ready!

In the next few weeks (until the deadline - and that will be soon!) we will present here each individual contest - for spontaneous ideas there will be indicated the link to every contest below - as some contest challenges seem to be executed on the fly... or is this wrong and the one tone needs to be rethought much more than a 5-minute soundspace? We look forward to progress reports!

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