In 2014, we composed a short instrumental work and asked specialists of contemporary music and economy for review (to the original concept >>>). The given improvement suggestions resulted in a new version of the piece.
To further increase the quality of the piece, we release now the parts of the piece as composition contests. The separate competitions are derived from the improvement suggestions for the original work.
a) One entry of each contest category is chosen to be part of the piece masterpiece management 2016, which is going to be premiered the 22th May in Cologne within new talents biennale.
b) The best 3 entries from the 11 finalists will be selected after the performance.
Competition for an initial part
Create a opening sequence of exactly 25 s.
To detailed description >>>
Competition for a short intersection
Write a short intersection of 10 s maximum.
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Competition for a differentiated and elaborated as well as bruitistic texture
Compose an elaborated bruitistic but differentiated sound texture of 1-3 min.
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Competition for One Tone
Write one tone (one sound, one situation...) of 8 s maximum.
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Competition for a poetic-visionary occurrence
Compose a poetic middle section of 2-5 Minutes.
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Trond Reinholdsen Competition
Create a miniature of 1-3 Minutes placed almost at the end of the whole piece.
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Competition 1 "Suprising Mahnkopf" (positive)
Write a suprising, stopping moment (8 s maximum).
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Competition 2 "Surprising Mahnkopf" (negative)
Write a surprising, stopping moment (8 s maximum).
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Competition for an extraordinary ending
Create an epilogue of 1 min. maximum.
To detailed description >>>
masterpiece management 2016 - Eine konzeptuelle Performance im Rahmen der new talents biennale cologne 2016 mit mam - manufaktur für aktuelle musik.