#5 Long Intersection

The winner of the contest for the long intersection is


Martin Piontek


Martin Piontek was born 1985 in Lodz, Poland. He emigrated in the USA with his parents in 1989 and grew up in Chicago. He studied composition with Nils Vigeland at Manhattan School of Music, New York and continuied his studies at Stanford University with Brian Ferneyhough.

His works have been performed by many well-known Ensembles like Ensemble Moto Perpetuo or International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE). In 2010 he received a scholarship of the Darmstädter Ferienkurse for his work Crossing Lines which has been performed by Ensemble Soundinitiave (France). Piontek is especially interested in the connection between music and mathematics, which play a key role for the structure of his compositions.

Piontek teaches theory and analysis of contemporary music at Peoria College, Illinois. He is a specialist in Pitch Class Set Theory.


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